Docker Compose CLI
Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container applications.
Docker Compose configuration is defined in a YAML file. By default, docker-compose.yaml.
By default, docker compose
commands must be run in the directory where the configuration file is located.
How to run services?
docker compose run -d --name MY_CONTAINER -p 80:8080 -p 443:8443 -e ASPNETCORE_URLS="http://+:5080;https://+:5443"
- background mode;-e
- set environment variables;-p
- forward container port(s) on host (host_port:container_port
- assign container name;
How to start/restart/stop services?
The easiest way is to use the up
and down
docker compose up -d
- background mode;--no-build
- don't build an image;--no-recreate
- don't recreate container if it already exists;--no-start
- don't start the services after creating them;-w
- automatically restart containers when configuration changes;
docker compose down
- remove images used by services (all
It is also possible to use the standard commands: start
, restart
, and stop
docker compose restart
How to get a list of containers?
docker compose ls
- include stopped containers;--format
(default) orjson
The ps
command is also available:
docker compose ps --all --no-trunc
How to remove service containers?
docker compose rm
- remove without confirmation;-s
- stop before removing;